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We Support Animals In Need

Golden Retriever

Humane Society of Broward County

The Humane Society of Broward County: Advocating for and improving the lives of animals by providing adoptions, community services, and education.

Sea Turtles

SeaTurtle Oversight Protection

STOP was the first program of its kind to rescue and release sea turtle hatchlings disoriented by coastal lighting in Broward County. STOP now has the highest number of FWCC Marine Turtle Permitted staff of any organization in Florida!

Save The Manatee Club

Save the Manatee Club's mission is to protect imperiled manatees and their aquatic habitat worldwide for future generations.

Image by NOAA

South Florida Wildlife Center

South Florida’s wildlife is being displaced by a growing population and encroaching development, which results in injured and orphaned animals coming to our hospital in terrible distress. We save wildlife through rescue, clinic triage, state-of-the-art diagnostics and expert veterinary treatment. We are saving lives 365 days a year.

Sharp Shinned Hawk

 "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ― Anatole France

We Give Back Foundation

Established to provide funding and support for the local communities where We Florida Financial members live and work. The Foundation is an independent legal entity, operated by a Board of Directors.


Phone: 954-745-2377


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